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We've moved to 2 issues a year!

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We invite rural women from Canada and the US to submit their stories, photos, perspectives and dreams to be considered for publication in Trailblazher. Our general guideline to define 'rural' is that you live in a town/community of 7500 people or less, or of course in the countryside. Please note, if you are just beyond this guideline and know that you would be a great fit for Trailblazher, please email us - we would love to hear from you.

We welcome all women living a rural lifestyle in North America, that includes women in ag, ranchers, homesteaders, western lifestyle, makers, creatives, coaches, professionals, farmers and beyond!

We believe in the power of  storytelling.

apply to be published in trailblazher

please read the information on this page carefully

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We're looking for unique perspectives, rural living challenges, impactful stories and beyond for publication in Trailblazher. You can pitch yourself for a story, suggest a rural woman to be featured, or suggest a topic that you would like to research OR submit for our seasonally specific call-outs.

Please make sure that your submission is suitable for Trailblazher magazine. We ask that you are familiar with the style, tone and standard in Trailblazher before applying.

*Please do not submit the same idea multiple times. Please do not email about the status of your submission; you will be contacted if your work is chosen for publication. Trailblazher is quarterly and sometimes we're planning issues nearly a year in advance.

By submitting to Trailblazher, you confirm that you are the creator and author of the work and that you are not infringing on anyone's copyrighted material or utilizing AI. You are allowing Trailblazher to publish the work in print, digitally and on our website and in any related magazine or brand productions and promotions. Unless otherwise noted, there is no fee to submit to Trailblazher magazine. Our guest contributors are not currently paid if their work is selected for publication in the open calls (we are working on our distribution which will allow us to in the future), however every contributor has access to our affiliate program which helps you earn a commission with every sale purchased through your link. We also send you a copy of the Issue you are published in!

For this reason, if you are a professional writer or journalist, Trailblazher may not be the right fit for you if being monetarily compensated is a priority. There are many other benefits to being amongst the Trailblazher community. 

please read


thank you for your understanding!

By submitting to be published in Trailblazher, we require that you are able to supply quality photos to accompany your article, or have access to quality photos. A lot of our contributors a) submit brand photos or lifestyle photos they already have or b) coordinate a new shoot for photos they can also use for their businesses. 

YOU DO NOT NEED to supply quality photos at the time of application, HOWEVER, supplying a link to professional photos with your application increases your odds of being chosen to be published as it helps us with our deadlines and coordination immensely - it makes your submission 'print ready'! 

about photos

If you are applying to be published, we hope that you understand the quality, style and tone of photography in Trailblazher. We prefer warm tones, journalistic photography depicting real rural life. We require a mixture of landscape and portrait orientation for every article with a minimum of 300 dpi. File formats we except: jpeg.

please submit photos that are seasonally appropriate if you are applying for a specific issue

by applying to be published in trailblazher magazine, you agree that you are a rural woman in north america, living in a community of 7500 people or less, or close to it.

Spring       march | april | may
summer     june | july | aug
Fall            sept | oct | nov
winter       dec | jan | feb


ongoing submissions

current open calls

Here are the ways you can apply.
Only successful applicants will be contacted. 

how it works

1. CURRENT CALLOUT'S - specific segments and themes for upcoming issues
2. ONGOING SUBMISSIONS - recurring segments in every issue
3. SUGGEST A TRAILBLAZHER - a rural woman we should know about

click each section

suggest a trailblazher

Open Call's for Submissions

trailblazher magazine

Open calls for upcoming issues are posted here. Make sure you’re on the Insiders Club List to get notified of any new opportunities! We welcome returning contributors.

issue 18


Special interest topic: leveraging/monetizing your land

ON THE STANDS: March 1 – May 31, 2025

Gardening, seed prep, natural Spring inspired décor, Easter topics, Mother’s Day topics, Spring recipes and projects, Season of new babies on the farm, natural Spring cleaning tips/tricks, organizing your home/space for a new season, renewing our mindsets, topics around mental wellness, a season of purging what is no longer needed, creating space for the new, preparing for growth.

· Clearing Away the Winter Cobwebs and Readying Your Home for Spring
· The Challenges and Joys of Caring for Farm Babies in the Spring
· DIY Mother’s Day Gift That Will Make Her Feel Loved Even More
· How To Step into the Warmer Months with More Energy and Enthusiasm
· Titles related to the theme

Will accept submissions until spaces are full.

issue 19

theme: happiness

special interest topic:
HIGHLIGHTING growers & foragers 

ON THE STANDS: June 1 – Aug 31, 2025

Farmer’s markets, everything gardening, summer weddings, BBQ season, outdoor entertaining, picnics, movie nights outdoors, Summer's must-have accessories, rodeo season, summer drinks, harvesting the garden, a season of action and adventure, gathering together for good times, creating, growing and producing, roadtripping.

· Roadtrip destinations by rural women
· Ways to Savour Summer
· Tailgate Picnics for Your Summer Get-Togethers
· Delicious Sun-Brewed Tea Recipes to Quench Your Thirst
· Top Raspberry Recipes
· BBQ Sauce Roundup
· Rodeo Looks
· Titles related to the theme HAPPINESS


submit your Spring idea

Submit your summer idea

Ongoing Open Submissions

These are recurring segments in Trailblazher Magazine and are always open! We welcome returning contributors. Apply below!

This is the place to pitch your story or idea. Want to share your thoughts or research on fibre, regenerative farming, rural motherhood etc. then submit your idea here. Our Quick Pitch is the place to submit a mini profile as we refer to our growing list when we are looking for future articles, interesting perspectives and unique stories.

Idea Pitches

SUBMIT my response

Rural readers answer a question in 35 words or less. all reader submitted. returning contributors welcome.

Rural Reflections

SUBMIT my response

These Hands of Mine is a 1 page feature with 5-8 photos (landscape and portrait) depicting the roles you play as a rural woman. Your written contribution completes the sentence: 'The Hands of Mine...'. 100 word maximum. You supply professional photos ready to be published. We accept submissions for all seasons. 

These Hands of Mine

SUBMIT my response

Make It is a 4-6 page segment teaching a user-friendly, fun and useful DIY project. A 500-750 word intro/story plus professional photos to accompany each step of the tutorial. Past projects have been: Feed Sack Bag, Egg Collecting Apron etc. 8-10 final photos for publication will be required (mix of horizontal and portrait).

Make It

SUBMIT my response

Suggest a Trailblazher

Do you know a rural woman in North America who would be an incredible fit for Trailblazher magazine? Whether she runs a full-time rural enterprise or a side hustle – tell us about her below.

We require that she lives in a town/community of 7500 people or less, or of course in the countryside. Submit her profile here and tell us why you think our readers would be inspired by her! Thank you! 

SUBMIT my suggestion

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