In today’s episode, we are going to take an inside look at the makings of a modern homestead, and a savvy business that serves a growing need for those wanting to learn how to live a homemade life. We’re talking today with Kate Schat of Venison for Dinner, and her story is not only inspirational, but you’re going to find layers of gold within each of the stages of how she grew the business, her membership, and her family. You are going to see firsthand how it’s completely transformed her family life as well as her teamwork with her husband, Marius, as well as her business. This conversation is a prime example of leveraging, monetizing, and recognizing opportunities where your unique skill set can thrive.
Here’s a little bit more about Kate. Kate lives with her family in northern BC, Canada. She has five kids and a husband and they do life on their homestead, homeschooling, hunting, and fishing wherever possible.
They raise their own meat, and vegetables, and make all their own dairy products. You can find recipes for wild game, sourdough, homemade dairy, and more on her site, all with a focus on unprocessed real food. Of course, we can’t forget about her membership, in the “Insiders Club”, where Kate says, “It’s homesteading, without the BS.” And that’s exactly what we are talking about today on the show, so enjoy this episode and make sure to head over to Instagram to leave us your thoughts on this episode!
At the beginning of this conversation, we dive into what Kate’s life looked like before Venison for Dinner. We chat about her life on the farm and the beginning of her relationship with her husband, having grown up in Southern B.C. and now living in northern B.C. She’s more than familiar with rural life and is now sharing that lifestyle with her kids.
Kate then dives into how she got her start sharing online but she divulges that her passion for sharing started long before she started online. When she first started her Instagram in 2010, she said that sharing about her life was pretty natural and she loved learning new things, which is a trait that she shares with her family now.
While Kate’s life and business may look like an overnight success on the outside, she claims it was a journey of over ten years. There were a lot of paths and opportunities that opened up to her and she said it was just a matter of finding the right one at the right time to get her where she is today.
We also asked her what it’s like running her blog and membership while also raising kids all between the ages of 4 and 14. She tells us that she couldn’t do it without the help of her husband, Marius, and several other individuals who play a crucial role in making all the wheels turn.
When Kate first started toying around with the idea of launching a membership, her husband Marius was still working full-time in construction. It was one of Kate’s goals from the get-go to make enough money from sign-ups to get him out of his job and back to working on the farm and with the kids full-time. Kate launched the memberships in 2020, she had over 300 signups in the first few days. This was all during a challenging time in their life when their son, Hamish, had been experiencing some chronic headaches that required an extended trip to the city in the midst of the membership launch.
As it would turn out, everything worked out when their son got a clean bill of health, and Kate’s husband was able to quit his job. It’s now been about three years that Marius has been home full time and Kate lovingly shares that,
“You do not try to fence him in, because he was fenced in for a lot of years working someone else’s schedule.”
Needless to say, they’ve adjusted to full-time life on the farm just splendidly and have found a way to make their schedules work between chores, kids, homeschooling, and each other.
In addition to the online memberships, Kate also has brand partnerships that she is regularly running with Venison for Dinner. So make sure to tune in for the full conversation on how she started that and how it’s going now! You won’t want to miss this episode with Kate Schat, from Venison for Dinner.
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