We are loving sharing a bit more about some of our incredible features we have had over the last 15 issues! Today we are sharing some more never before seen answers from Alyse VanRamele, a feature from our Fall 2023 issue.
Alyse VanRamele grew up rurally in Cochrane, AB and then later moved to Diamond Valley, formerly Turner Valley. VanRamele has always had a connection to the natural world and a true passion for the outdoors and the wild. After being diagnosed with interstitial Cystitis, a chronic pain disorder of the bladder, and when western medicine wasn’t working to help alleviate pain, she took matters into her own hands and sought out a more holistic approach.
The biggest challenge for TWS has always been not being seen. Not having a B+M in a hustling and bustling city limits exposure. And trying to find an online algorithm that tends to your companies desires and engage your audience can sometimes be soul crushing and feel isolating.
I would love to share a dinner or a cup of tea with lovely Mary Oliver. Her writings and poems have always brought me such comfort. I language I could understand and fine a home in. For the never ending inspiration and messages I get from reading her work. I will forever be in gratitude for her gifts.
Just slow down. Its ok to not have any of the answers. Don’t plan for too much, leave space for spontaneity. Trust yourself. Always smell the flowers.
I think the people who have inspired me the most are both of my parents for different reasons. My mother for being the mother she is. She is the epitome of what it is to be a nurturer and care taker. She reminds me of the power and the tenderness kindness, love and care taking have, and how to incorporate that into every aspect of my life. I carry her tenderness everyday. My father for his warrior strength and what it means to persevere during the hardest and scariest times of life. His strength and inability to give up in certain cases helps me to stand my course and continue, even when things seem to hard, too far out of reach.
Photography by Drew Sellen from Highside Photography
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